INHERITANCE is available today in paperback!

Today is the U.S./Canada publication date for the paperback version of Inheritance. Look at the lovely paperback cover with that hinty tagline, courtesy of Little, Brown Books for Young Readers: inheritance-paperback

Inheritance is the sequel to Adaptation, and you definitely shouldn’t read Inheritance until you read Adaptation. For the uninitiated, they are my X-Files-inspired science fiction thrillers involving deadly birds, government conspiracies, and a bisexual love triangle (it's a feature, not a bug). People seem to think they're scary, which I take as a compliment! For more info, go here for the full details.

Since Adaptation and Inheritance are now both out and available all across the world in English, the publication of the Little, Brown paperback edition of Inheritance marks the end of my duology. (And don’t forget, there’s also the ebook companion novella, Natural Selection, which is Amber’s pre-Adaptation story.)

Here’s where I post some links for where you can buy the paperback version of Inheritance, and you’ll notice something missing: Amazon. That’s right, Amazon is still delaying shipment of Hachette titles, and at the time I wrote this post (Sept. 14, the day before the official pub date), the paperback was not available on Amazon. So I suggest that if you’d like a paperback Inheritance, you should buy it from somewhere else. Here are some places you can buy the paperback Inheritance in the United States:

And in Canada:

If you haven’t read Inheritance yet, I hope you like it. I had a ton of fun writing it!

NewsMalinda LoInheritance