A belated annual review: 2018 to 2019

For many years I've posted an annual review at the end of each year in which I wrap up the previous year and give a preview of what's coming up. I didn't do that at the end of 2018, but as the weeks of 2019 roll by (slowly, filled with way too much news) I realized that I don't want to skip my annual review. So, even though this is a little late, here we go!

I had several short stories published last year, and it's not too late to read them!

"New Year" (published in Feb. 2018 in the anthology All Out) is about a Chinese American girl in 1950s San Francisco who discovers that there's a lesbian community right next door to her Chinatown home. If you're a regular reader of my blog or a follower on social media, you'll know that "New Year" is turning into a full-length novel (I'm working on it right now), so you can get a sneak peek at it in the story!

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New short story: "Red" at Foreshadow

The new year is already upon us, and I'm happy to report that I have a new short story just published that you can read right now.

Foreshadow is a new publisher of young adult short fiction; they describe themselves as "a serial YA anthology, published digitally." What this means is that every month in 2019, you'll be able to read three new (free!) young adult short stories. They'll be written by published authors and new voices alike. I'm thrilled that my short story, "Red," leads off their first issue of the year.

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NewsMalinda LoRed, Foreshadow
New short story: We Could Be Heroes

When I went to the Women's March in Washington, D.C., on Jan. 20, 2017, I was overwhelmed by the masses of marchers and the pain that so many of us felt at the inauguration of our current president.

But I was also amazed by so many other things: the sharp wit of the protest signs; the thousands upon thousands of hot pink knitted pussy hats; the feeling, prevalent throughout the city, of a nation on the edge of something huge and unknown.

After I returned home, I couldn't stop thinking about it. As is my way, I started wondering: what if something else happened at that inauguration? Since I'm a writer who has written science fiction, and I'm an American who (of course) has watched Independence Day, I naturally thought: what if there were an alien invasion?

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A LINE IN THE DARK is now available in paperback

My latest novel, A Line in the Dark, is now available in paperback with this glorious review from Teen Vogue on the cover:

"A twisty, dark psychological thriller ... impressive storytelling, a chilling plot, and mean girls aplenty."

I might argue with "mean girls" in its most stereotypical sense, but to be honest, there are some mean girls in A Line in the Dark. What I mean, of course, is that this book contains anger, obsession, jealousy, and complicated shifting identities that sometimes are expressed by meanness.

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"Meet Cute" is out in FRESH INK today

Today I have a new short story available for you to read! It's called "Meet Cute" and it's in the latest We Need Diverse Books anthology, Fresh Ink, edited by Lamar Giles.

This is a rarity for me — a fun and romantic story with a happy ending! "Meet Cute" is basically my short story version of a romantic comedy, set at a Comic Con-style convention. The two characters who meet cutely are Nic, who is cosplaying as a gender-flipped Sulu from Star Trek, and Tamia, who is cosplaying as a race-bent Dana Scully from The X-Files.*

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HOW I RESIST is out today

Today marks the publication day for a new anthology, How I Resist: Activism and Hope for a New Generation, edited by Maureen Johnson. It includes an essay by me titled "Keep Doing What You're Doing."

When Maureen first invited me to contribute to the anthology, it was only a few months into the Trump Administration. (Can you believe it's been almost a year and a half?) I'd already started to feel burned out by the horrible news that came out every day—seemingly every hour—but I knew immediately that I wanted to be a part of the anthology.

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